Teladoc Health

Software Engineer Intern

June - August 2020 • New York City, NY

What I liked

My favorite thing about the program was that I was treated as an employee more than a temporary intern. Instead of having me learn by observing they had me learn by doing and I ended up being able to develop programs that are now used in their core technology.

What I wish was different

The experience was remote, so I of course wish I had the chance to be in the office. Also, the work that I did was more on smaller features rather than big projects, so I wish I had worked on more important tasks. And the fact I worked on small features wasn't because I was an intern, it was just the nature of working at a big and developed company.


I would recommend that working at a huge company is not always the best thing right out of the gate because at a company in the middle of growth can be more beneficial due to the fact that you'll have a lot more responsibility and will learn to be an autonomous developer. That being said, the biggest mistake you could make is not reaching out for help from other employees. I found that everyone else was extremely friendly and willing to help even though it was remote.
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